Ep. 125 – Strategy – Part 1 – Objectives


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up guys? Welcome to Five Minute rants everybody. Welcome back to THE a.m. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Well, everybody, I wanted to actually break down strategy.

So I talked about it a couple episodes from a very high level. And I broke it down into the five Main Categories, the five main pieces of What a strategy is and how strategy is made up. And I want to actually kind of deep dive a little bit more into each piece. So today is going to be part one of I think, a five part series. And we’re gonna talk about the objectives today.

So first, I think it’s very important to define What an objective is. And an objective to me, is a broad goal with a purpose attached to it. And I’m just gonna say that, again, it is a very broad goal with a purpose attached to it. And so to give you an example, objective, What I’m going to do is we’re going to come up with a fake company. And we’re going to come up with a strategy on how to build that company, just so there’s a real example. So we’ll, let’s, we’ll call it lawns are us. And so we’re going to start a lawn care business. All right. So our objective, the example of objective is I’m going to build a lawn care business named lawns are us. And that’s our objective. It’s that broad, it is not very specific. It’s not very detailed, we’re not talking about how we’re going to do it, we’re not talking about any of the details, the tools needed. The Marketplace, we’re not going to talk about any of that, we’re going to talk about the objective is just very simply, I’m going to build a business on lawn care, and it’s going to be named lawns are us.

The next part of the objective, and the next part that you need is the purpose, there has to be something driving the objective, there has to be a reason why you’re going to accomplish and this is very important. Without a purpose. There can be no buy in from you or your team members. If there’s not a purpose, driving the work, nobody can have buy in to What you’re actually doing and What you’re building. And as a result, you will eventually quit. And your team will eventually quit on the vision because there’s not purpose like why am I doing this? It’s pointless pointlessness. And when people become pointless, or they believe that something’s pointless is one of the number one killers for momentum in life. It is also one of the number one killers. And number one reasons why people normally leave jobs leave work, why they normally quit in any area of their life is pointlessness when they think it’s pointless, or hopeless to continue on, and to pursue and endure the venture that they’ve started out on, and they believe that’s pointless, they will not care. So purpose is so important to have, when you’re forming an objective, when you’re actually trying to build something or accomplish something. If you don’t have purpose, there’s going to be no buy in.

And you’ll have to excuse me to my voice, I’ve been sick for the past week, I’m sure you can tell. But anyways I’m just a little raspy or like wispy sound like a you know, a really old man. It’s, that’s why. So anyways, going back to purpose, and going back to lawns are us, Alright, because that’s the name of our lawn care company. The purpose it would be important to find and define the purpose again, as broad, you don’t need something that is drilled down. And it can be something as simple as I want to build a company or build an asset that helps provide for my family and for others. And that’s it, that there’s the purpose, this is about building a better life for my family. And that’s the purpose behind the objective. I’m going to start a lawn care company called lawns R Us. And you simply at that point, have your objective, and you’re done. So if you listen to that strategy podcast, and you go to Step one, that’s What an objective is, is very broad. And we’re gonna say this, because it’s so easy to get down into, well, we’re going to do Facebook, we’re going to do social media, how are we going to do this, how we’re going to do that? It’s like none of those questions matter. If you don’t have an objective, because if you don’t know What you’re actually trying to build, why are you pulling out screws, and nails in wood and tools, you don’t even know What you’re building, you don’t even know if you’re gonna use wood for this project.

And it’s very much like we don’t know if we’re building the house. We don’t know if we’re building the table. What are we actually trying to build. And if you don’t have an objective, you’re not going to have a direction. And you cannot create a blueprint. And so you’re just going to start doing things and before you know it, you’ve actually just made a mess. And it’s very important to slow down and it’s very important to stay very broad and say What is the end of this game? What is the purpose behind it? What is the whole goal that I’m trying to accomplish? And this can be very big, it can be very small. So anyways guys, that’s step one for strategy and I’m gonna call it the strategy breakdown series. So that’s step one, and I’ll catch you guys in the next episode. Peace

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