Ep. 129 – Strategy – Part 5 – Execution


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Well, everybody, today is the last episode for the strategy breakdown series. And we’re going to talk about execution today. And if you’re just now joining us, we started this series about five, four episodes ago. And we’re just simply talking about how to come up with a strategy to accomplish your objective. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s business doesn’t matter whether it’s life, it doesn’t matter What you’re trying to do. This is simply hey, Here’s a practical way about how to build a strategy to move forward in life and to get where you want to go.

So we’re talking about execution today. And the interesting thing about execution is this. It is very easy to fail at. But it is also the easiest step to do. Execution is very easy to accomplish, and very easy to do, because it requires two things one showing up requires you to show up two it requires you to actually do the work. In other words have discipline. And it is easy to execute. However, it is hard to have execution with purpose, which is why we went through this whole framework to develop a plan for you to actually be able to do the work that matters when it comes to accomplishing your goals. An example of this is if your objective is to get out of debt, if you don’t have a plan for how to get out of debt, you will never get out of debt. Now, if you have a plan to get out of the debt, and then you actually never do What you’re supposed to do, you’ll still never get out of debt. And so plans will do nothing for you if you don’t execute. And execution will do nothing for you if you don’t have a plan. And it’s so important that you have both of these pieces, you have to have a healthy mix of strategy and planning. And then you have to have execution and the discipline to work on the other side.

So anyways, this is the step in the strategy that is very easy. And so it’s simply taking your plan and then accomplishing the work that you know that you need to do every day, all the work that you have. This is also why it’s so important to have a purpose tied to your objective because now this is where buy in matters the most. If you don’t have buy in from yourself or from your team, while executing, you will fall into the hole. Why am I doing this, this is pointless, this just seems stupid, there seems to be no point to doing the work that I’m doing right now. And that’s because you don’t have buy in, you don’t actually believe in What you’re doing. And you don’t believe in What you’re doing. Partly because you’re probably missing a purpose or your purpose isn’t real if you do have one. And the same thing for your team. And if you don’t have buy in, you’re not actually going to execute to work the way you need to. And eventually you’ll quit. Because purpose is What helps us stay motivated, and is What helps us drive forward. It is just as much a part of the objective as the actual objective itself, right.

And so it is so important to have that purpose. And then it’s so important to make sure that there’s buy in with you with your team or anybody else involved in the plan or anybody else involved in doing the work. If your team members don’t have buy in, they’re going to fail you because they’re not bought in on the mission. They will underperform in everything that they’re doing just like you would just like I would we will underperform when we don’t believe in the work we’re doing. And this is why culture matters so much. culture matters so much in your household. culture matters so much in the workplace in the business place. And culture really comes from purpose and having a purpose that everybody universally buys into having a greater good, that serves more than just, hey, I’m going to make some money. Nobody shows up just to make money. People who show up just to make money just to pay the bills are normally miserable. And I know that because I’ve been one of those people and I’ve worked with a lot of people like that, where they’re showing up just to pay bills and they’re miserable. They hate their job, because they don’t have purpose. And they’re or they haven’t bought into the purpose.

The next part about execution is execution really requires ownership. So it requires ownership of the plan you’ve made, and it requires ownership of the work you’re doing. And that means you own the successes. It also means you own What went wrong. And if if you are a part of the plan, it doesn’t matter where you are because everybody’s a leader, right? Whether you’re a team member, you’re leading those above you next to you and below you, or whether you’re the person in charge, everything is your responsibility. In other words, if it all goes wrong, it’s your fault. If it all goes right, cool, that’s yours to own as well that success, but without ownership there won’t be for momentum In the work again, we’ll be undone because you won’t shift gears when you need to and you won’t change when you need to and you won’t celebrate when you need to.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time. And that’s the end of the series. I’ll catch y’all next episode. Peace.

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