Ep. 63 – Systemic Thinking vs Singular Event Thinking


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. I hope life is treating you well guys hope it is, I’m better than I deserve. And I’m really thankful to be here today. And if you’re new welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

So guys, today, I wanted to talk about systemic thinking, versus when I’m currently calling until I have better language for singular event thinking. So I want to talk about systemic thinking versus singular event thinking. And I really believe this is very important, because everything we do in life is very much a system is very much based on a system. And if you think of an ecosystem, that’s exactly What I’m talking about. And there’s no such thing, even in relationships that you have, and in decisions that you’re making on the day to day basis, whether people are present in your lives, whether work is present currently, or whatever you’re doing, there’s no such thing as an isolated event. And What I mean by that is, every decision you make ripples out into your life somewhere, somehow causing a chain reaction of events.

And it causes a chain reaction positively or negatively, depending on the decisions you’re making, depending on the actions you’re taking from those decisions. And we don’t normally think about these things. Oftentimes, we go about the day to day just thinking, oh, yeah, I’m going to do this. Now I’m going to do this now. I’m gonna do this now. And we miss the greater good driving us and we miss the purpose to help drive the decisions and the actions that we’re taking. And as a result, sometimes we end up in a lot of places that we we don’t even know how we got there. First off, and then second of all, we wish we never got there in the first place. And the reason why is because we’re not stopping and taking a moment to pause and think systemically, this includes communication. This includes how we’re talking, this includes why we’re talking why we talk with people how we’re talking to people, this includes fixing things, right, if you go back to that episode about fixing versus building with a purpose fixing is just bandaid in a solution versus actually building and creating with a purpose behind it that not only prevents the fires, but that provides values and solutions later down the road. It’s the same thing we’re talking about, but on a smaller scale for you everyday thinking, right? Like I was just learning about how breathing in through your nose is radically better for you than breathing through your mouth. And I don’t I’m not gonna get into the details of that now. But just really realizing like, oh my gosh, this small little thing that I’m so unaware of has major consequences later on down the line. Okay, like one thing breathing through your mouth, actually, I’m not getting into it, I’m not even going to go down that that’s a bunny rabbit trail. And I’m going to run out of time. So I just want to go back to this, like the decisions you’re making. There’s no such thing as an isolated event. And I think it’s important to distinguish our thinking and our decisions. And it goes back to that saying that no man is an island unto himself.

And we get trapped, oftentimes thinking like, Oh, I’m the only one that is benefiting from this, I’m the only one that has to suffer these consequences of these decisions. And it’s like no, everything you do in life, that hurts you, that adds to your life that propels you forward, or takes you backwards. It affects, minimally, the five closest people that you have around you, whether they’re family, whether it’s friendships or relationships, it impacts everybody around you, you may not be able to see the effects of it. But it is. And I guarantee you that if you just start to look and try to look at the systemic thinking of how things are made and put together, it’s going to be world changing. And this is so important in business because all businesses are really made in systems. And if you build according to the systems, and you build according to help control the systems and the flow of work through the systems, from all the front of house to the back of house in the means of production, it is going to be so much better for the work for the employees for the culture, like culture is totally a system that is built and predicated. And we often think it’s random, because we just simply can’t see it. And it’s harder to do because we can’t see it.

And I just want to say just because it’s not visible to the naked eye, and you have to look at it using other means such as your mind and heart doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to deal with. It doesn’t mean that it’s not something that you can build with or create or shape or form.

So anyways, going back to systemic thinking, if you don’t know anything about ecosystems, look them up, because that’s What I’m talking about. And I’m out of time, guys. So I hope you’ll have a great day and I’ll catch you on the flipside. Peace

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