Ep. 131 – Teams Are…


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hope you’re all doing well hope life is treating you good. I’m gonna go ahead and get straight on into this guys. I want to talk about teams are dot dot dot, I actually want to talk about What a team is in how to define the team and how I personally define a team.

And I hope that this will help give some insight. Because normally when I say the word team, people think, oh, yeah, it’s just a group of people. Awesome. Or it’s a sports team. You know, it’s a soccer team or basketball team. And I’m not gonna talk about sports already done that and botch that, because you guys might hate me, but I really don’t watch sports. So anyways, back to this, I want to go deeper than just the face value, or universal definition of a team of a group of people that has a goal that they are united to accomplish, because that’s pretty much the definition of a team. And I want to deep dive further down than that.

And so the way that I really define a team and What a team is, and if you have a healthy team, or if you have a unhealthy team is this a healthy team is a team that talks, they’re a team that corrects so they’ll point out when something’s wrong, right? The team that will edify and edify is, hey, look, Here’s places where we can improve, Here’s places where we could actually move and grow forward that I don’t think we’re doing it’s not that we’re currently doing anything wrong. But edification is like no, this is a better direction for us to head in, or this is an additional direction for us to improve on, teams actually encourage. So it is actually encouraging to go into a team. And it is actually encouraging to work with the team, they’ll give you a swift kick in the pants if you need it. But they’ll also tell you great job when you’re doing it, and they’ll stop and celebrate. And this is all the individuals in team this is collectively, it’s not just one person doing this.

Teams also share the workload, okay? And that’s really important too, team members do not complain, okay? There’s gratefulness in team members, all right. And then also on the other side, outside of the gratefulness, you also have ownership of the work in the organization. Team members will own the organization, they’ll own their work, and they’ll own their organization. That means that when I go work for some places like hey, no, this belongs to me, this is the piece, I may not have a share in the company or stake in the company. But the responsibility that the company has given me is mine, and is mine to accomplish, right. And so when team members have ownership, there’s such a better just culture and environment.

Okay. And then the other thing is, the last thing I would add is, team members have your back, right. In other words, team members are not out there looking to backbite you, they’re not out there looking to throw somebody under the bus to get an upper hand. They actually instead, hey, I’ll have your back. And there’s this mentality that I’ve got your back, cool, you’re out in the front lines, you’re trying to score a goal, the ball gets stolen from you, I’ve got your back. And I’m playing defense to make sure that when you’re out front trying to do your best, you’re not worried about What happens if I lose the ball, you’re not afraid of things happening, you’re actually going out there and doing it and then now you’re facilitated to operate at your best.

And I honestly think that if your team doesn’t function this way, or if my teams internally and Andrew and I have talked a lot about this, if we don’t function this way, we actually don’t have a healthy team, we have unhealthy teams. And at that point, if the team is unhealthy, do we actually have a team? And I would say no, because if you look at any sports team, this is how they operate. If you look at any major team that accomplishes great objectives, or great goals from like, NASA, when they put a man on the moon, to you know, even just even just massive sports players in sports teams, anybody who’s a soloist normally doesn’t do well. It is the team that performs better, like you look at how the World Cup function, the team performs better, and then a single superstar. And so I’m just gonna go over that list again. Because I think it’s really important to see just to measure, and I can talk later about how this really works and how this really functions or how you even build this. How do you create this great, I’m giving you a list, but actually how do you do it? And I can talk later about this more in depth just like I did strategy.

So teams talk, right? There’s open conversation from all levels, from management all the way down to the new hire the newbie, they’ll correct each other. They’ll edify in other words also improve, say this is where we need to go. They’ll encourage, they’ll share the workload. They’ll be grateful. They’re not going to complain. They’re going to be very thankful for the hard things and the easy things. They’ll have ownership for the work in our organization. They’ll also have your back.

Anyways guys, that’s it. I’m out of time and I’ll catch y’all later peace

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