Ep. 168 – Thankfulness Challenge


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. I hope you’re doing well. I hope you’re doing well. I’m personally doing better than I deserve. And I’ve honestly got nothing to complain about. So everybody, I’m going to jump into this. So today’s episode is actually going to be a little bit different. All right. Today’s episode, really is I want to talk about thankfulness. And I’m actually even call it the thankfulness challenge. And Here’s why. Here’s something that I’ve started doing. And that has really been game changing for me.

So I’m a big believer in being grateful. I’m a big believer in being thankful. And I honestly think that if you go through life without gratitude, if you go through life with What I’ll refer to as grumbling, and complaining, life becomes very miserable very quickly. And if you go through life, being thankful, it actually flips around, especially for the things that you don’t want to do. And Here’s the thing, everybody’s got to do something that they don’t want to do, everybody’s got to do something that they dislike doing. It’s just a fact of life. But if I can choose to be thankful, with whatever I’m doing, that normally tends to stop, and it’s like, wow, this is actually really good for me, if I have the deep belief that everything happens for me and not to me, that’s world changing. And that’s really where thankfulness comes in. So here, Here’s something I’ve been doing.

So when I get up, and a good friend of mine recommended this to me. And if you’re listening, you know who you are. And I appreciate CJ Anderson. But one of the things that he told me was, Hey, man, like I’ve been journaling, and I’ve just been writing at first thing in the morning, this is the best day of my life. And I just been saying thank you. And I was like, Wow, that’s so good. And so one of the things that I’ve started doing is I writing this is the best day of my life in my journal. And then I’m writing things I’m thankful for. So Here’s the challenge. I would encourage you guys to do this, if you want to partake in the challenge. This is how it’s going to work. It’s going to be write down 10 Things you are grateful for 100 days, or write down 100 things you are grateful for 10 days in a row. And then watch how your life changes. Watch how your day to day changes. Watch how your normal, everyday Monday stuff all of a sudden becomes so wonderful and joyful to be in.

And gratefulness is so impactful for our lives. Like think about it, like any time in your life that you have been ungrateful for something, it doesn’t matter What you’re doing, you could be on the world’s best vacation. You’re ungrateful for it, guess What? Well, it turns out to be a pretty crappy vacation. Versus you could be thankful for What you have. And the little you have in it could be the best thing in the world. I talked to a friend of mine, we went out to breakfast. I shared this story before, but I’m gonna share it again. We have two breakfast, and I got eggs and bacon, and I’ve been eating I only eat proteins in the morning. And it’s normally eggs and bacon. And he’s like, man, Why aren’t you gonna get something different? You know? And I was like, well, bro, it’s one I want to love myself. But the second thing is, is this. I honestly believe we live like kings, like you think about the spices we have like we’re sitting in air conditioning, you go to any king 1000 years ago, he’s not sitting in the air conditioning. He’s not sitting in heating, when it’s cold in winter, I’m eating like a king, I have spices from all over the world, put on my food and this is amazing and eggs and bacon is the best thing ever. And I’m not tired about it.

And it really comes from the gratefulness and gratefulness really seems to solve a lot of problems and I’m air quoting problems because they’re not really problems. It’s more heart position and attitude and gratefulness really solves a lot of attitude issues gratefulness to be able to get up and go outside and work out because you have two legs and two arms, right? Changes Everything, it changes the entire game. And so I would encourage you to do the challenge and we’re gonna repeat the challenge again, it’s going to be write down 10 things you’re grateful for over 100 days, or write down 100 things you’re grateful for over 10 days, and watch how everything changes.

And if you’re you know struggling to like with depression if you’re struggling with motivation if you’re struggling with being disciplined and showing up if you’re struggling with a job you currently have to have to pay bills I would include those things right? I would include those things even though you don’t like them and even though you may not like something doesn’t eliminate the fact that you can be thankful for it and grateful for it.

And so anyways guys, I honestly I’d like to hear how y’all would respond and your responses and so if you guys want to leave a comment or something And that would be awesome. Anyways, I’ll catch y’all later peace

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