Ep. 3 – The Different Types of Work


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up guys, welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome to 5 Minute Rants where we talk briefly about topics for five minutes.

So, Real quick, let’s talk about the different types of work, okay? Not all works the same. And we’re going to talk from a high level about the different types of works. Okay?

So first, there are three types of work. Okay, I’m gonna say this right now, there’s only three types of work no matter what you’re doing. And all these three types of work are found in some way, shape, form, or fashion. Whatever you do, whether you’re running a household, whether you’re cooking for the evening, whether you’re networking, whether you’re doing sales, whether you’re coding, whether you’re running a company, it doesn’t matter three types of work, you ready for this?

First one is Rhythm. Okay? Second type is Process. Okay? Third type is Technical. Okay. And so those are the three types of Rhythm. It’s number one Process is number two, Technical is number three. And I’m going to go through and just explain a little bit about them. Um, if you guys ever want to hear more of this stuff, you can go over to the long episodes, and our full episodes, you know, they run about 20 to 60 minutes, depending on how things are going that day.

So real quick Rhythm, Rhythm is very entrepreneurial. It is a much higher level at the creation stage, like thinking about it as imagination, it deals with flow, and it deals with a really high level sight, okay? It’s what a lot of entrepreneurs have, to understand where the market is, where the markets going to go. And then to be able to develop a product or business to service that type of area in the market. Okay. Rhythm also is where like, hey, what do we want our kids to grow up to be like, and there’s a vision for the house, there’s a vision for how the house and the family should function, different things like that.

Process, Process is really managerial, its oversight. There’s processes, systems to follow, systems implemented, systems made, and then that way there can be franchisement or in other words, it’s repeatable, okay? So it takes the vision from Rhythm, it takes that flow, helps processes it out, and then distributes it to everybody who interacts with the process. It’s managerial, if that makes sense.

Okay, Technical is actually doing the work. It’s the execution of the work. So I’m going to go into woodworking to give an analogy of this, but technical is the actual execution.

Okay, so Rhythm. Rhythm is, what do I want to build? Why do I want to build it? What is the purpose and the vision behind what I’m about to build in the woodshop?

Okay, then Process. I’m going to blueprint this out, I’m going to draft out what I want to do. This is how the legs are going to look from the table. Okay, these are the crossmembers. To make sure it’s architecturally sound. Here’s what I’m going to put on the bottom of the legs to make sure they don’t scratch the floor that’s Process.

And now Technical is, I’m now cutting the wood. I’m now sanding the wood. I’m now gluing the wood together and adding screws and joinery to make sure it doesn’t wobble. And I’m following the blueprint step by step by step. Does that makes sense?

And so you have the Rhythm, which is the vision, what am I going to build? What am I going to create? What am I going to do? And it doesn’t have to be extravagant, right? If you look at a lot of creative people, when they go into a room, they feel the rhythm. When they’re an interior designer, they feel the rhythm of the room. Oh, I think this room… we need an… and y’all forgive me because I’m about a butcher this. I’m not interior designer, but we need like a, we need like a shea rug, and a carpet and this light gray with this hardwood, and maybe a little bit of steel here and this and that, Oh, that’s perfect. And that’s the rhythm.

And then it’s drawn out, it’s architected out through a process, right? And then management, and then somebody can come in and actually purchase the equipment, purchase the supplies, and then build out the room. That is work across the board, the three types of work. On next episode, we’re gonna talk about how do you actually find your work?

Okay, but first establish the three types of work. And I think that oftentimes, we think work is work. We think there’s only one type, I Just show up, I do my job. That’s how it is. And it’s really not true. As a person, it doesn’t matter who you are. You operate in all three of these areas at different times, right. And so like, I would encourage you all to just pause, think about what you’re doing. Think about Rhythm in terms of driving, you have to have a vision of where you’re going Process is how you’re going to get there, what roads you’re going to take and the technical is actually doing the driving. So anyways, that’s it for today and I will talk to you guys later. Peace!

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