Ep. 137 – The Filter and The Break Down


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome to Five Minute rants guys, welcome back to THE a.m. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. I hope you’re doing well. And hope life is treating you guys well. Anyways, guys, I’m going to jump straight into this, I want to talk today, I want to talk about how everybody has a filter, okay? Everybody has a filter.

So when you listen, when you observe the outside world, and you interact with it, you have a filter that all the information you’re gathering from passes through gets interpreted by and then ingested by you I’m gonna say that, again, you have a filter, I have a filter, so that when we interact with the things outside of us, whether it’s through listening, seeing, doing whatever it is, all of that information that we take from outside world goes into us gets filtered, and then digested after it’s been filtered. And oftentimes, it is that filter that actually causes the most disconnects and problems in relationships. And in people in business, and marriages, whatever you want to talk about. It’s that filter that causes disconnects. Because there’s, for some reason, and I’m very guilty of this. There’s a deep inset belief in most of us, and a deep assumption that everybody naturally understands and knows What I’m talking about. That’s not true. That is so not true. Like, how do they know What I’m talking about when they’ve never lived my life when they’ve never walked in my shoes, when we when they’ve never experienced or gone through the things that I’ve experienced in life? They don’t know. And they can’t, unless they actually are me. And then at that point, I’m no longer Michael Abernathy. I’m somebody else. And they’re Michael Abernathy.

And so think about that. And if you think and take that and go, Wow, this is why I have so many breakdowns and conversations I have, right. And I found this. So like, one of the things that I’ve really tried to own is, I’m a bad and poor communicator, I really am. And so I’ve taken that and been like, I need to understand how to communicate, clearly, I need to understand how to articulate my points, not for me not so I can be some great communicator. But so I can connect with the individual on the other side of this conversation. And that has changed everything. It has really changed everything. And I’m still it is still my goal, to communicate better and facilitate connection in relationships with people. But it’s hard because I still have my filter. And I still have to let go of all my natural assumptions and belief sets.

And this is why a lot of times when you get on tech support calls, like if you’ve ever call tech support, you’re talking to somebody who has a radically different filter than you and their world is different than you. And as a result, there are so many bad stories about helpdesk or tech support because of the individuals filter on their line, and then your filter and you’re not able to talk and communicate and you can’t connect and then guess What problems do not get solved if you do not connect with people. And if you cannot have a relationship with people, and you cannot clearly communicate with people, problems are not going to be solved. And you’re not going to move forward, you’re stuck.

One of the biggest problems that the military focuses on is lack of communication, miscommunication and wrong communication during warfare. One of their primary goals is to remove as much miscommunication as possible, and wrong communication as possible because it saves lives. And I want you to think about that during war time. One of the biggest things is communication. And I’m not saying we’re at war right now. And you know, you’re at war in your family. But I look at that a lot and be like, Man, where did the most problems and fires come into my life? I miscommunicated. Oftentimes, in the past when we’ve had air, quote, bad clients from work, it’s not because we had bad clients, I didn’t communicate well, why did I not communicate well, my filter, and I selfishly held on to my filter, and I selfishly held on to the assumption that everybody looks like me, talks like me believes, like me understands like me. And as a result, I broke the relationship. And if you actually will have the humility to have ownership in your life and look back at a lot of broken relationships or a lot of broken customer relationships, guess What? It’s from that filter. And it’s from that place where you ingested all the information processed it, ingested it and then regurgitated things out thinking that you’re on the same page when you’re really not. So all that being said, guys, if you are able to communicate more clearly and articulate your points which includes Listening, life is gonna get a whole lot better in business and in the personal life.

Anyways, I’ll catch you later peace

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