Ep. 154 – The Lie About Old Dogs Learning New Tricks


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey, everybody real quick. If you don’t mind, would you share this with somebody that you believe would benefit from it? Would you actually help me and help somebody else by sharing it, rating it or leaving a review for the podcast, and just spread the word. One of the goals of this podcast is really to just impact or serve just one or two people, just for their lives to be changed. And if this has helped you, if you would actually help somebody else and just share it with them. And I really appreciate it guys, I think you guys are tuned in too.

Well, today, I want to jump straight into this, I want to talk about the saying old dogs can’t learn new tricks. And there’s actually a lie in that statement. So to me growing up, this was a really familiar statement, I don’t know What it’s like up north, but down south, this stuff gets said a lot, the same gets said a lot. Okay. And there’s actually a lie in that statement. And this comes back to one of my fundamental beliefs that anyone can learn anything that they want to learn, and anyone can be anything that they want to be. It is just simply choosing to pursue either of those two things. If you want to learn something, it doesn’t matter What the skill set is, it is simply a heart position. And if you’ve heard me talk about it before, attitude and heart win 100% of of the time over IQ. And the reason why is because most things in life, just take heart and attitude, to persevere and push forward into like, if you want to learn how business runs, you can learn that if you want to learn how to be an entrepreneur, it can be learned, and you can better yourself. Right?

It’s the same thing with any any harder physical tasks, you can do it if you really want it. And then it’s the same thing. If you really want to become something different, or want to have a different job, or a better life, you can do all those things if you pursue it. And thinking about that, and talking to a good friend of mine this morning, we talked about the saying. And there’s really a lie in that saying that old dogs can’t learn new tricks. And the lie in that saying is the word can’t. That word can’t really, really is the lie in the saying should go like this Old Dogs don’t want to learn new tricks, because they didn’t want to learn tricks as a young dog either. And that’s really What the saying should say, because see who you are now and who I am now is a result of who we were. People today are result and an outcome of the person they were before today. And if I had the heart position a month ago, a year ago, 10 years ago, to really learn change and grow, the person I am today is a result of that. And then as a result, I’ll learn anything that I want. And if my heart position is to learn to grow and to change in life, and not just to stay stagnant, my whole life is going to replicate that and my whole life is going to show that and so when you meet people when you’ve met somebody, and it’s like Old Dogs can’t learn new tricks, it’s really they don’t want to learn new tricks.

And I’ve come across people like this. And in some cases, it’s really sad. And then I’ve come across other people who are What you would call forever learners using that popular term, you know, forever learners to where they want to learn and change my business mentor, and one of my best friends, He’s much older in life than I am. And He’s an avid learner, he never stops. And we have conversations all the time, really deep conversation just about learning. And so I’m saying this, because I think it’s very important that it is really founded in us that you get to be whoever you want to be. And you have to put in the work for it. And you have to have the humility to do it.

But if you really want to be somebody different, if you want to grow, if you want to change, you can do it. If you want to move forward into different areas of life, you can do it, you’re in charge of that. And you’re in charge of deciding that and you’re in charge of deciding the path. And it’s up to you, and for What you want to do in life. And it’s up to you for whether you’re going to pursue it or not. And oftentimes most people quit the pursuit of change or the pursuit of the dream because they’re confronted with a problem or there’s friction, or there’s a fight up front in order to do and accomplish the change that they want to have in their lives. And that’s oftentimes why a lot of people quit, and why learning is hard because learning is hard. It requires humility. It requires being wrong, but it’s one of the best things that we could do as people because society has never been stagnant. It never will be stagnant and it will always change and just to live in society. It requires learning and growth.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch y’all later peace

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