Ep. 171 – The Most Important Person


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up guys? Welcome back to THE a.m and welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey, everybody real quick. If you know somebody that would probably benefit from listening to this or from listening to this podcast, would you share this with them? Or if you just want to help out in general, would you mind rating or leaving a review for the show? I’d much appreciate it. Well, guys, just to jump into this, I really want to make the statement. Because I think a lot of people well, one of the most important lessons I’ve ever learned in my life is this statement.

The most important person that you need to show up in your life is, drumroll please, you, you are the most important person that you need in your life. And I want you to think about this, you are the most important person that you need to show up in your life is you everything that you want to accomplish, and that you want to do needs you. And I think that’s so important to really receive. And I think a lot of people highly underestimate how valuable they are, and how important they are. And whether it’s from upbringing, whether things weren’t positively reinforced, or whatever you want to call it for why ever we don’t think this way, it doesn’t matter. What really matters is choosing to really believe that I’m the most important person in my life, and my life needs me the most.

And I was talking with a good friend just recently in one of the things that he’s been really having to work through is a lot of things in his life, going through past mistakes going through aimlessness and not having purpose and different stuff. And it’s been hard. And a lot of it comes back to wow, I really haven’t valued myself, I really haven’t seen myself as important. And as a result, I’ve really not treated my decisions as important. My actions as important, I’ve really discounted the weight and the importance of who I am and What I am. And as a result, my life has ended up the way it is. And I am I want to share this because I when he articulated that it really hit home with me too, that this is who I’ve been as well. And the times in my life where I’ve caused myself the most harm, or been destructive or gone in directions I wish I had gone is I devalued myself, which devalued everything else. And let me put it practically, you’re the only one who is going to be able to really affirm yourself. You’re the only one to make decisions for your life. Other people can tell you What to do, but unless you decide to listen to them and act on it, it doesn’t matter.

You are the only one who is able to take action in the direction you want. You’re the only one who can really find and fulfill your purpose, whatever that is. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. It can be a simple life. And we really undervalue that, because we don’t value ourselves. And if we don’t value ourselves, everything that we do is devalued. And then sometimes we wonder why? Like I’ve wondered, why did I do that job, I did that job because I didn’t think I was worth more than that job. And my business mentor and one of my best friends told me, the most important investment I will ever make is in me. Now think about that. Investors and people who put money into things expecting return. They don’t put things, they don’t make investment into things that are worthless. But I didn’t think about that for myself that the most important investment I could ever make is me and it’s so true, I am worth putting time and effort into I am worth all these things. And it really comes back to that belief in our hearts that I’m worth it. I’m worth learning I’m worth getting better. I’m worth having patience with when I fail, and then worth learning from those failures to improve.

Like if you’re impatient with yourself a lot of times that comes from devaluation. I’ve been very impatient with myself in a lot of occasions why can I get this right? Why can’t I just do that? Do this or perform the way I want to perform or whatever it is I’m trying to accomplish and not able to, I’m impatient with myself simply because I’ve devalued myself. And so really think about that. And I’m gonna say this again, because I think everybody needs to hear this a lot. I need to hear it. My friend needed to hear it. Everybody really needs to hear it. The most important person that you need to show up in your life is you guys like for the first time ever I’m super early and so I’m just going to in the show there on that bombshell, I guess you would say anyways, peace

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