EP. 69 – The Speed of Life is Slow


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business, everybody.

Well, to just go ahead and get straight on into this, I want to talk about the concept of how life is slow. The speed of life is slow, but it does not move quickly. Our perception of time is fast. And it’s very easy to get the two mixed up. And Here’s why it’s important. Because we think life is running at lightspeed. We think decisions are made at lightspeed. We think technology coming out and changing things is happening at lightspeed, it’s very easy to get caught up in a left behind syndrome, Oh no I’m going to get left behind, I’m going to be left out, I’m not gonna get this opportunity, I’m not going to meet this deal. I’m not going to do these things. Right. And there’s in certain instances, and in certain timing places, yes, that’s true. When you have opportunities placed in front of you. Timing is so important, and moving quickly for certain things is very important. However, constantly being driven by FOMO is so destructive, being driven by FOMO is so destructive, you are at that point, living emotionally and ilogically in business. And now you’re running a company or you’re running a business and you’re running your life based off of I am behind and I’m late, I’m late, I’m late. So think about this.

You wake up 30 minutes late for work, right? And you’re going oh, crap, I slept through my alarm. And not even you. Let’s just say John, John woke up 30 minutes late for work. And now John’s going, Oh, crap. I slept through my alarm. So John is now rushing to get dressed and showered, John is now rushing through breakfast. John is now driving crazily fast to get to work because he doesn’t wanna get fired. And then when John gets to work, he is now 30 minutes behind his daily schedule to accomplish everything he needs. And so he’s rushing through work. And then guess What, now John is late for lunch. And then after he gets back from lunch, he’s got to get back from work, because he’s still late from work, because he hasn’t made up for that 30 minutes yet. And then he is rushing to get home because now he’s late for home. And as a result, he’s just constantly driven by this feeling of late, late, late, late, late. And that’s FOMO in business, translate that now to Oh, my gosh, I’m late. And you have that feeling. You have that gut feeling in you constantly that you’re going to be late. Man that’s going to be so destructive, and everything you do, because you’re going to be constantly just running full speed, and doing things crazily quick and sacrificing so many quality decisions that need to be made. So many important factors that need to be made outside of just get the work done.

Now, the reason why I’m saying this too, is because if you really want to move quick in business, it is being consistent every day science has proven that if you are consistent every day, learning a new skill set working doing anything is radically, radically more monumental, and creates more momentum and positive change than doing something for long bouts of time. So for instance, if you’re if you’re consistent learning an instrument or learning a skill set, 30 minutes every day, you’re going to it’s like within a year or something crazy like that, you’re going to be in the top 90th percentile of whoever has that skill set or instrumental practice because of the consistency each and every day. So consistency says so much. And this is why I’m saying the speed of life is slow. The way life really works in the way you want to build things is do something every day, every day, not not be this crazy, massive super marathon runner to where you’re running five marathons. You know, once a month, it’s like no get up, run your 15-30 minutes every day. So for instance, if you do 10 squats, over 365 days do 10 squats every day, by the end of the year, you’ve done 3650 squats, it adds up. And that’s What we’re talking about because life moves so much slower than you think. And as a result because of FOMO. It’s FOMO is very destructive because it destroys consistency in your life. And it destroys your ability to really move forward and produce the way you should. And there is speed like you should be prioritize, you should be efficient at work, and you should be efficient at decision making those things matter. You need to learn how to prioritize work better, you need to learn how to actually find the work quicker that you actually need to do, and cut out all the fluff that’s happening. All those things are true.

However, the reason why I’m saying this is being driven by FOMO it will be one of the most destructive things has ever happened in your life. So don’t be driven by I’m going to miss out, right? I just I think that’s so unhealthy. And then you go back to the situation where John is John’s life is a train wreck for that entire day. And that’s What happens with companies. We get a lot of clients and a lot of customers like oh, I need this yesterday. I need this yesterday. Well why they didn’t plan. They didn’t take life slow and then they didn’t stop to really think about the things that needed to happen and realize let’s Do some work upfront that is going to pay off. We really believe in and Andrew and I talk about this all the time that slow is smooth and smooth is fast and if you want true speed, you’re going to go slow first and do the real work that needs to get done first.

Anyways guys, I will catch y’all later and I hope y’all have a great day. Peace

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