Ep. 82 – Waisting Time At The Starting Line


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. I hope you all are doing well hope life is treating you good. If you’re new to the show, thanks for tuning in hope you like it, hope you get something out of it. And for everybody else who’s been listening along, I really appreciate your support.

Anyways, guys, I want to talk about where we waste the most time in life. I really believe a lot of time is lost when we are trying to start something new. When we go out. And we’re afraid of actually venturing out into this new idea that we’ve had into starting a new career, looking for a new job. Even starting a new project at work, oftentimes, most of the time that is lost is in the starting position. Because we’re trying to figure out well, how do we do this? How do we start, and especially when it’s something that deals with the unknown, we’ve never done it before, we have zero experience in it just like it is a time suck. And I’m really talking about this, because time is the one thing that we’re not going to get back in my personal quest in life is how do I work more efficiently? How do I find the work that I need to actually complete What I call the real work? How do I find that quickly? And how do I drill down on that, and then how do I accomplish that as fast as possible, to continue moving forward in the direction that I will need to go. And by doing so it allows me and opens doors for time elsewhere in my life to be utilized in areas that I want it to be like my family, right? Like my home life, my friend group outside of just work and in business, it allows me to actually invest my time elsewhere, because I’m purpasing to not waste my time or not to lose time along in the journey to continue to minimize and refine that process.

And along the way, I’ve really found that man, we lose a lot of time when we’re just trying to start something new. And so this goes back to one of my phrases. And one of my principles is just ship it if you are about to launch on a new venture in life, and go on a new adventure, and you’ve never done it before. And you’re worried about What you’re going to do, and What What you should do and all these things, just shipped it. Okay, just get out the door and just start and the moment you start clarity is going to hit you. The moment that you move forward and start, clarity will hit you, were made to operate by faith. And as a result, just having and taking those first steps of faith without figuring out all the problems that we need to avoid figuring out the steps we need to take without having to figure everything out and being stuck there. It will open the door for clarity to come in. And then you’ll actually know oh man, this is exactly What I need to do or, okay, this is exactly What I don’t need to do.

And Here’s the thing, if you’re trying to better your life, and you haven’t moved into this new area, the risk is really honestly zero. What do you have to lose? Right? If you for instance, like you know, talking to a buddy of mine, helping him try and find a new job and get a new job. Right? One of the things we talked about is like What do you have to lose? You’re going to put your resume out there, you’re going to craft it and be better. You’re gonna go to interviews, and then what’s what’s going to happen, people is going to tell you no? well you didn’t have the job anyway, so you never lost anything. That’s something along the way that I found in deals like when you’re doing deals with people when you’re doing sales, you’re so worried about losing the job, but it’s like you never had it, it was never in your hands. And that’s how we view a lot of opportunity in life. Things that aren’t even in our hands yet. Because we’ve never stepped out the door. We’re like, oh, no, I’m going to lose it. And we’re so afraid of losing What we already don’t have that we never do anything. And then again, it’s that time suck, the time is wasted. And we don’t move forward. Or we’re afraid to experience pain. And so we just never start and then we just sit in this cycle of, well, I know I should do it. I know I should try. I should do these things. And I should try this and try that. But I don’t know exactly What I want to do. I just know what I don’t like, Okay, well do something that doesn’t line up with I don’t like understanding What you don’t like and want to happen is half of the battle of knowing and finding What you do like.

And I I’m just saying this because if you look at yourself 10 years from now and stop and I just did a podcast with Josh Joseph and you should listen to it. But he said something really profound. He said I started I started out my business and I started doing this work that I was passionate about because I told myself when I saw that myself 10 years from now that if I didn’t start I was gonna regret it. And so if you look at yourself 10 years from now, and you never tried it, What would you tell yourself? What would you regret? Would you regret not starting? And to really think it through. And I think this is so important because just getting out the door is the first step to clarity and people miss that if you don’t know What to do. Just start doing something and clarity will come.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time. I hope you’re having a great day and I’ll catch you on the flip side peace

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