Ep. 159 – Want vs. Need


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys, real quick ask. And I know I’m asking. But if you know somebody that this would help. And if you know somebody that this podcast would better their lives? Would you share it with them? Or if you just want to help and you want to help spread the word, would you rate the podcast or leave a review. And if you want to get the word out, and if you don’t mind partnering with me, I really appreciate it. Anyways, guys, thanks for listening and tuning in. I want to talk about want versus need today. And before we jump into this, I want to define these two words, I’m going to define these two words. So we can be on the same page.

First want is something that I desire. And it can be anything it can be a relationship, it can be a purchase, it can be anything a want is something that I desire, that may or may not have a superficial purpose attached to it, okay. And so, a want is simply desire that I want something for instance, cool, I’ve got a comforter on my bed, but you know What I would like a nicer Dubay. I like a nicer comforter, or I’ve got pillows, but I want nicer pillows, I want the supreme Lux pillows, there’s no greater good attached, there’s no purpose, it’s just getting pillows to have the best pillows, that’s a want, a need to define that is something that allows me or the business to exist, okay. And a need normally ties back into Maslow’s hierarchy of needs air, water, food, and shelter. And I need those things to exist. Those are needs like if I don’t have hair, if I don’t breathe for three minutes, you know what’s going to happen? I’m going to die. Right? If like five minutes, I think five minutes, the brain goes. Without oxygen, you start becoming brain dead, you enter that zone. The same thing with water, food and shelter. I don’t have any three of those within my life. I am not surviving this world. And I’m passing on.

And so that is a need in need normally ties back to one of those four things in life. All businesses have needs in order for them to exist in order for them to survive. Right. So one of the things that all businesses need is cashflow is money, they need finances, which means marketing ties into their need to continue to sustain and support their life. The marketing is the blood flow for that business to feed sales. And then sales feeds Production Production feeds, families, families can then buy food and put it on the table and feed themselves they can pay for their shelter, right, they can pay for their water to drink. And it ties directly back to that need in all businesses, all people have needs in their lives. And the reason why I am talking about all this, and the reason why I’m bringing all this up, is to help us make better decisions. Because most of the time, the majority of the time when we make decisions, we make them out of one of these two places I want this or I need this.

And we often don’t think about the need side most decision making most decision making is done out of want and Andrew and I have had customers where they have made decisions because they just want something. And they don’t normally make very good partners. Because the want is fickle. It’s emotional, it can change, right? It can change very rapidly. But when it has a greater good attached to it, if there’s a need attached to it ties back to the existence of the company, and the livelihood. And in the person at the core of things, it ties back to all of that the partnerships better because we’re aligned on this is bigger than just some emotional desire. Now, the same thing happens for us, when you’re able to distinguish personally, am I doing this? Because I want to or does this tie back into something bigger than me? Does this tie back into one of my needs? It helps you with decision making. It’s going to help with planning. It’s going to help with growth personally, right?

It helps like my wife and I we’ve talked about What when we have children, What do we need? What do our children need? What do they need to be successful in society as grown adults versus What I want my kids to be if you’ve met children who are raised by parents, by who they want them to be, and they don’t let the kids have their own free decisions and choices, it normally doesn’t end up too well. Because want is radically different than need. The other thing is, you know, these, these two things affect most areas of our lives, relationships, the decision making that I said the planning, it affects purchasing it affects. You know, how we do things money, and the way that I was doing food is I just want to eat food and then it’s like no food is something I need. And it is something that helps nourish me and actually sustain my life and this is way bigger. And that’s part of What I started on when I got on to the get on fat program which is also known as the lose weight program. And anyways guys, if you can drill back your decision making to want and need and you can see when you are just wanting something versus needing something, it’s radically going to change everything in your lives.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time I’ll catch you later peace

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