Ep. 156 – Who Am I Accountable To?


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Guys, I’ve got a small ask if you know somebody that this would help, that this would help better their lives, maybe help them make more money, pay the bills, take care of their families better. If you know somebody like that, if you don’t mind sharing this with them, or even just simply leaving a review, or, you know, rating the podcast for me just help spread the word. And I think you guys are just being a part of the team and being a part of the tribe.

Anyways, everybody, I’m going to jump straight on into this, I want to talk about accountability. And so a good friend of mine and I were talking and one things we talked about, and have talked about a lot personally is ownership. And my definition of ownership is where I take full responsibility for the situation and everything in my life. And then the next part of that definition of ownership is I then must do something to course correct and change. And that brought up the word accountability. And we are talking a lot about this today. And we talk specifically about how responsibility owning that you cause the problem, won’t fix anything, if you don’t actually do the work after to change course correct. And that is What I call a define as accountability. Accountability is where I choose to make changes in my life to course correct and to prevent the same problem from happening over again. And now this is super important.

In businesses that have no accountability or ownership, you watch them fail over time, because they’re not in charge of their education, they’re not in charge of bettering the company, they’re not in charge of consistent growth. And as a result, they end up dying out over time, because they don’t course correct, and you can’t course correct without being responsible, fully owning that, hey, this is my fault. And I’m in charge of my life, or I’m in charge of the company, the business. And then the second thing is the accountability side, actually learning from What has just happened, and then making changes, see, a lot of us do not learn, because we simply don’t want to look at the past, because being wrong is very painful. And if you can face that, and you can overcome being wrong, or if you can overcome making mistakes, and then look back at them and learn from them. They’ll teach you What not to do. And then you have a way forward and a path forward for the actions you should take.

And so the other thing about accountability is most people when they think about accountability, they think that is having somebody in their life that helps hold them accountable to do What they need to do. And that’s true, but when somebody thinks about someone else, they’re thinking about a friend, or maybe a gym partner, or a business partner or their spouse. And that’s actually the wrong person who’s supposed to hold you accountable. The correct person who’s supposed to hold you accountable, the correct person who’s supposed to hold me accountable is actually me, it’s me, I am responsible for holding myself accountable for the decisions I make, and the actions I take, and then making sure that I do them.

When I woke up this morning, and I went and worked out, there was only one person making the decision for me to go work out and to make sure that I showed up. And I did the things that I said I was going to do. And that was me. And that’s how everything works in life. Now it helps to have teammates, and it helps to have friends and partners who are invested and have a great relationship with you and want you to succeed as well. So they’re willing to work with you and willing to go through similar journeys and different times and spaces. But I’m the only person who’s holding me accountable. And oftentimes, oftentimes, we think that we are accountable to somebody else. And we’re more motivated by not looking bad in front of somebody else, or keeping my word for somebody else than I am to myself. But I’m the most important person to keep my work to see if I keep my word to myself and I say, Hey, I’m going to make my bed, I’m going to drink my water, I’m going to continue to count my calories, right? So I get on fat because I’m on the Get on fat program. I’m going to do these things. All of a sudden, I start trusting myself, I start trusting myself to do What I’m going to say, which then helps increase I believe in myself.

If I can increase how much I believe in myself, I’m only going to help myself perform better and get better. And then I’m going to give myself more responsibility. And then I’m going to trust myself with bigger decisions. And then a lot more fears removed from my life because I know that I’m responsible to do What I’m telling myself to do. This is why making your bed is huge. Because even though it’s a small step, if you wake up and say I’m going to make my bed every day and you do it. You start believing in yourself more because you have held yourself accountable to make sure that you are doing What you said you were going to do. And then your self belief goes up and then you add another little thing and another little thing and another little thing. So accountability. We are accountable only to ourselves. And then that trickles to the outside of us if we make promises because if I’m going to keep the promises to myself, I’m going to keep the promises to everybody else that I made promises outside of myself too.

So anyways guys, I’m out of time and I’ll catch y’all later. Peace.

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