Ep. 65 – Why Are Principles Important


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? Welcome to THE a.m guys. Welcome to Five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome to the show predicated on the journey of business and life.

So everybody, I want to talk about why principles are important. I got asked this question the other day, and I think it’s super important to talk about it. And I’ve spoken about this before I spoken about how life is very fluid. And so if you think of it like this life is very much like water. And it’s very much like a stream or a river. It’s constantly flowing. It’s constantly moving, and it’s constantly changing. And it has its own boundaries. It has its own laws and principles that it operates in. But we are in the middle of that flow. And What happens often in our lives is we find that when we just live by rules, they break, it almost universally happens and those rules don’t apply into every area of where I’m at.

To give you an example of that, if you guys thinking about like a, you know, a double yellow line on the road driving across the road, if you live in the United States, you and I are not using that currently, we don’t even need to think about that we don’t even need to worry about the double yellow line, we don’t need to worry about oncoming traffic and the rule of not crossing the double yellow line it doesn’t apply. However, the principle of respect, that is something that actually translates Now, while we’re here listening and talking interacting with each other, okay. And the same thing applies on the road, that principle of respect applies on the road, hey, I need to respect that double yellow line I need to respect the laws, I need to respect the oncoming traffic. And think about that. And think about the other people, I need to respect the people I’m driving around. And it’s a universal application of a principle. And that’s the thing that makes principle so important, the universal and the universally apply across our lives, the universally applied to just about any and every situation that we’re in.

And I think that we often find that rules break and principles are fluid. And listen, there’s a time and place for rules, okay? Like, you know, don’t murder, that’s a pretty good rule. And that shouldn’t be broken. But that’s also not going to apply in every single situation that I am. And I really think that we get caught up. And we don’t often see and separate the difference between principles and rules. Sometimes it’s hard to see all the pieces, I often think of life like Legos, you got all these different pieces, all these different bricks, and you can put them together how you want. But it’s important to know that cool, they’re all Legos, but they’re all different shapes, and sizes. And they all have different impacts. And they all do different things. And that’s kind of like the points that we’re talking about right now like principles and rules. Cool. They’re Legos, and they go along the same thing. They go along the same lines, but they’re not the same type of pieces.

The things about principles to going back to why they’re important is they are not only about your character, and they’re not only about who you decided to be and your heart position, they also reflect on all of your actions, they also reflect in all your decisions. And you can see yourself, you can see the principles you live by, based on your actions and principles are normally found in the heart laws are normally found in your mind. Right? It’s something that you know, you shouldn’t do versus principles. I mean, this is who I am, this is who I’m going to choose to be. And so some principles, just to list some that I think are really important, just in life in general is honor. It’s so important to be an honorable person, somebody who lives by honor and who lives by honor when nobody’s looking. And that’s What makes honor hard is when you’re alone. What are you really doing? Who are you as a person? Who are you as a man or a woman? And What are you really deciding to do? And how are you deciding to move forward in life and take care of yourself and those around you.

Another principle is truth, really being founded on truth, really choosing to see the world rightly through truth, and having a love for the truth to really pursue that. That’s huge. Another one is trust, right, learning to trust and giving trust, but also being trustworthy, and also living a life that is based on that principle of earning trust, right? I want to be a trustworthy man. I want my wife to trust me. I want my children to trust me, my family, trust me, I want to live by honor. I want my friends and family to be proud that they know me. And when they see me or they hear people talking about me, they’re like, Yes, I know him or my wife. Like, that’s my husband. And I think that is so important. I think other principles just to give you a few examples of some more, forever learning. Respect, we’ve talked about that, work is a principle. It’s not just something you have to do, discipline is a principle and it’s not just a law.

Anyways guys just some food for thought about these things. I’m like six seconds over, so I’ll catch y’all later. Peace

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