Ep. 37 – The Best
You’re the best you. You’re the only you. Competing against others to be the best? How do you measure winning? What universal system do we use to measure?
Ep. 34 – Positivity + Thankfulness
It actually takes work to think positively and be positive. It takes work to look at what you have and move forward.
Ep. 33 – Failure
Failure is actually positive. Ownership = Forward Movement. Fly the Plane. Fail Fast.
Ep. 28 – Creativity v. Money
Creativity is undervalued. Creativity is more powerful than money. Money is a tool. Money relies on creativity and knowledge to be used.
Ep. 25 – Adaptation
Change requires us to be wrong. Adaptors are more successful in life and business. Knowing the wrong answer is worth just as much as the right answer.
Ep. 17 – Don’t Overthink It.
Don’t overthink it. Don’t get caught in the technical with no vision or goal. What you don’t want is just as important as what you want.
Ep. 16 – Start It! Ship It!
Don’t overthink it, just ship it. Starting is the hardest part. A car without momentum will take you nowhere. Failure only seems to matter when you can see it.
Ep. 15 – Andrew Edwards – Focus
Andrew Edwards shares his current focus in business: building processes, and why that’s important for the team, businesses and clients.
Ep. 14 – The Science of Business Part II
If you are building or creating. You are in the business of science. Ideation and Hypothesis are the starting point. Test, then ship, and then move forward.
Ep. 13 – The Science of Business Part I
If you are building or creating. You are in the business of science. Ideation and Hypothesis are the starting point. Test, then ship, and then move forward.
Ep. 6 – Start Up Mindset With Special Guest Jonathan Brandon Co-Founder of Yes! Coffee.
Jonathan Brandon of Yes! Coffee. talks about his mindset in business and life.
Check out Yes! Coffee. on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.