Ep. 223 – Ship Fast, Fail Faster


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick, if you know somebody that would benefit, or know somebody that that their life would be changed by listening to the show, would you please share this with them, and partner with me getting the word out and spreading the word. I appreciate the partnership guys. Well, today, I want to talk about ship fast, fail faster.

And so I’ve talked about shipping a lot, I’ve talked about how it’s life is really based on momentum. And once you have momentum, it’s very easy to get where you want to go, it’s very easy to make changes. The second part of this is in the second part of momentum, and the second piece is failure. So progress really deeply comes from failure. And so we have a principal within the teams and with the people, you know, that we work with, where the moment we feel stuck, the moment that we get to a point on a certain offering product process, we have to ship it, we’ve got to ship it say cool, this is good enough, we’re ready to meet, we’re ready to move forward. And I’m not talking about just ship it straight out into production land, right? It depends on in that if you’re shipping a product right out there to be in the stores, or the production or services, right, and you’re not beta testing different things. There’s a system for this, but the point of What I’m trying to get is, we try and spend our time to get things perfect. And then we never ship and we get stuck in perfection. And so we never fail.

And growth comes from failure. When you fail, you’re able then to stop and reflect, grow. And then whatever challenges in front of you, you are now able to overcome because you became better than the challenge in front of you. Right. And so progress really comes from failure. And another thing, the faster we fail, the faster we move forward. Staying, staying on a bad decision becomes very costly, because you start moving in a direction that wastes time, that waste resources that waste money. And so when you get onto a bad decision, or when you’ve made a bad decision, one of the most important things to have is failure quickly. So you don’t waste time. Because the failure you learn from but it also keeps you from actually wasting time or resources and money. It’s very costly to fail over a long period of time.

And now, Here’s the reason why I’m saying all of this, we have actual forced failure. Because we create feedback. We want feedback loops for our decisions. We want feedback loops for building. So for instance, Andrew and I are consistently meeting when we’re building things together, we’re consistently meeting to force failure. Okay, cool. This is where we’re at, where’s the offering that now this is What we’re working on creating and it forces failure. And then that feedback allows us to better our decisions. And so in this is for everything, we want forced feedback. And we want to create a feedback loop that shows and exposes failure. And so that way we’re able to ship whatever we’re doing, we’re able to review it and reflect, we’re able to grow and then we’re able to improve it.

And it’s so important that this is What we’re doing, it is so important that we’re actually able to reflect and grow and then improving the decisions we’ve made, we’re able to improve the product or able to improve the offering or the service, we’re able to improve the infrastructure, or able to improve the tool set, because that is growth, right healthy things grow. If I’m not improving and growing, I might need to consider that I’m not healthy is the same thing for business, healthy businesses grow. And in order to grow, it requires improvement, it requires reflection, and in reflection. And these things require both success and failure, we tend to actually only want the success.

And wins are easy, right? If you ever grew up, playing sports wins are very easy, it is very easy to win. There are no negative feelings, or connotations associated with winning, but losing there is. And I personally think the better we are at losing, the faster we’ll move forward in life, the better we are at actually losing and failure and being able to reflect the better we will be at growing and improving whatever it is. And so one of mine and Andrew’s goals personally for the company is to have force feedback loops, and iterations are really quick and small. So if you’re ever in technology, you want to do small iterations, small code launches consistently because allows you to improve and change. It allows you to catch bugs faster and different things. Well, this applies universally to everything in life and business. And if you find that even a lot of most marriages fail because there’s not enough time spent meeting and talking to everybody can be on the same page, or in other words iterating our decisions that we’ve made to see if we fail or not.

So anyways guys ship fast, fail faster and I will catch you later. Peace

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