Ep. 280 – Cause = Solutions | Blame = Fires


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Well, guys, I appreciate you tuning in, I really do hope you’re getting something out of this. And real quick, if you know somebody that would benefit from listening to the show, would you share it with them? If they’re trying to put more food on the table, If they’re trying to start their own business or have just started their own business? That’d be awesome. I appreciate it.

Well, today, I want to talk about the cause and by cause I mean, this, What is the root of the problem, or What is the root of the solution, right. And it’s really important to know that because if you know, the root of the solution, and why something works, you’re going to be able to replicate it. So if you know how a solution is, was actually created, and why it works, you’re going to be able to take that solution, replicate it and apply it to different areas in business, you’re going to be able to apply to different teams, different framework, systems, infrastructure, whatever it is.

The second thing is, if you know What the root of a problem is, you can build a solution about it. So if you find the cause, What is the core of the problem, the actual essence of the problem where the problem is coming from where it stems from all this stuff. If you know where that is, you’re going to be able to build and create a solution to stop the problem. And then you can use that solution, or a form of that solution to implement elsewhere to solve similar problems. Oftentimes, What actually inhibits us from finding the cause of problems is we blame shift, we start blaming tools, we start blaming, oh, it’s just my tool set, I don’t have the right tools to do this. Yada, yada yada. And I have this, I have that or we start blaming others, right, or we are wrongly blaming ourselves. And we’re doing all these things. And so we stop actually looking for the cause of the problem. And now we’re blame shifting, which actually just add fuel to the fire. And blaming actually makes fires, right.

And that being said, think about this, like anytime that you’ve complained about something in your life, like your job, did it get better, or did it actually get worse as you get more miserable or more happy by complaining and blaming. And that seems to be the case that when we blame it causes more fires, and it produces more fires in our lives. And this is especially true with teamwork. So oftentimes, when we’re in a team, it’s very easy to blame someone or something else versus finding the solution, finding the cause to build a solution from. And I think this is so important to actually have healthy teamwork, is working with the team, if there’s a problem, to get down to the cause of the problem, What is causing this problem. And then from there, we can actually craft solutions. And if you’re crafting solutions, as a leader in the business, if you’re crafting solutions, as a business owner, you are excelling in life, you are totally excelling and growing. And even without having to look at competition or anything like that. If you can continue down this path to solve the issues and build solutions. For every issue or problem that comes up with the company, you’re going to outpace everybody around you.

Because the less fires a company has, the more company is actually able to focus on client and customer relationships. And the more company is actually able to focus on serving their clients. I think about it this way, the more systematized infrastructure a company has that is fire preventative, right not not just fire reactionary firefighting but fire preventative. It allows and frees the employees to make decisions to help customers to actually give excellent service. And that is part of the goal of the business infrastructure is to serve people, if you think about the way highways are built. If you think about the different ways public transportation is built, where there’s great public transportation, when there’s poor public transportation, the ones that are more systematized, and the more foundational and structured around serving and loving people, it seems to be that those are the better solutions.

And so if you’re blame shifting, you’re not really thinking about people. But if you’re looking for the cause, you’re actually thinking about people because it’s like, cool, let’s remove this problem from our lives. And as a result, it gets removed from our customers lives. Any problem in your life and in your business is your customers problem. Whether it affects them directly or indirectly does not matter. It is their problem. They have chosen to do partnership with you, they’ve chosen to buy a product or service from you, which means they’re now in partnership with you, which means that your fires affect them and they may feel it 10 steps down the road. But they still feel it if you’ve ever partner with a company and you know that they’re a bad company. And you haven’t even really gotten in depth with them. You just have this gut feeling that’s you feeling all their fires, that you feeling all the blame shifting versus building solutions.

So just keep that in mind. anyways guys, blame equals fires causes equal solutions. Go find this. I’ll catch you later peace

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