Ep. 306 – Keys To Partnership


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick. If you know somebody who’s trying to start a business, or who’s going out on their own, would you partner with me and share this episode with them? If you think it would help them in any way, shape, or fashion, I appreciate it.

So I actually today want to talk about partnership. And I want to talk about four keys to partnership. It’s not everything. But it’s four main keys to having a healthy partnership. And this is What I mean by partnership. Anytime a client signs a contract with you, you’re in a partnership, if you have shareholders, you are in partnership. If you have a contract between the owner, the person to build the business and the company and they have shares, you’re in a partnership, if you’re married, you’re in a partnership. If you have, if you are working on something together with a team, you’re in partnership, even if you don’t have a company, you’re just a team lead, and their team member, you’re in partnership with each other. And even if you’re just a simple co worker, to co worker or peer to peer relationship, that’s partnership, if you are working on something, building something creating something together.

And there are four main points to partnership that I think are super important. First is having a clear understanding of yourself. And then who they are. If you don’t understand who you are, you’re not going to actually be able to be a in a place to healthily partner with somebody. If you don’t know who you are, to some degree or some level, you are not actually going to be able to be a partner to anybody. And the reason why is it’s kind of hard to pick an ambiguous object to get into drive to work with instead you want a clearly defined object, like a car to get in, that you can drive to work. Think about that.

The other thing about partnership that is really important that a lot of people miss is it is predicated on serving, if you really want to have a healthy partnership in business or in life, you are going to live your life predicated on serving. And What that means is this. That means your partner’s issues, needs and goals now become your issues, needs and goals. You understand What matters to them, you understand the fires in their lives, or What the fires they want to avoid you understand their midterm needs and their long term goals. And you understand these things. And you have discovered this, and now you’re working in a joint operation to make sure that those issues needs and goals are taken care of it is still their main responsibility to take care of those things. But now you are actually in a team position or in a partnership position, aka serving position to help take care of those.

The next one is listening. And really, I’m just gonna say this. The next one is communication. And that requires listening and speaking, okay. Listening and speaking are always for the other person. Right? And so you’re listening for them to show you care. And then you’re actually communicating to them. So that they have knowledge and information that they need, communication verbal outloud communication, verbal discussion and talking it is for the other person, you already know What you’re going to say you already know What you think and feel, why do you need to say it out loud, it’s for the other person. Listening is really on the other side where listening actually is more biased and towards yourself, for you to get information listening for you, talking is for other people, both are very important in partnership, because other side needs to know that you’re listening, they need to understand that you’re hearing them and then they also need to understand the information that you have inside of your brain. And whatever needs to be communicated in certain situations. And that’s for them. And this is so important, because oftentimes most of this breaks down. Most of the places in partnership break based on communication.

The last piece, the last key, and this one is major is the actual end goal, the vision of why the partnership exists and What you’re working towards together. Life naturally is a journey we move through life. Everybody says that term whether they’re aware that life is a journey or not. It talks about we move through life. And if you do not have a unified goal with where you’re going in this part, if you have a partnership for just a stage or piece of the journey, if there’s not a unified goal or vision for that stage, for the long term, you are not going to have a healthy partnership. If you become unaligned at any point or time it breaks. Think about any building that has a crack at the base and in the foundation of it. That building is going to eventually be destroyed and fall apart.

And so those are just some things to keep in mind. It’s understanding, serving, communication, and then goal purpose behind all the partnership. Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later peace

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