Ep. 329 – Be You. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others


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Episode Transcript.

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey, real quick, if you know somebody whose life would be better by listen to the show, would you partner with me in changing lives and share it with them? I appreciate it.

Well, today, I want to talk about a comparison, and how oftentimes we compare ourselves to others, or we compare What we have to What others have. And both of those are toxic. And Here’s why you are you and you are built the way that you’re built, and nobody else is built like you are. So to stop and try and compare yourself to somebody else, you’re going to fail because how can you actually have an accurate assessment? So I’m Michael Abernathy. Right, cool. People may have the same name that I’ve got. But guess What? I’m the only Michael Abernathy that exists currently. So how am I going to measure myself and compare myself accurately against somebody else?

Now, I’m not saying that you can’t stop and go awesome. They’re a better leader than I am because of these reasons. And I’m falling short over here. And these are areas that I need to change and work on. There’s there’s nothing wrong with that. But when you’re doing this into a detrimental aspect, wishing that you are actually somebody else, because you want to be somebody else, because you don’t want to be you. That’s when it’s detrimental. You need to learn to love you, you need to learn to be you. And then you need to learn to take action for yourself not to be somebody else. Oftentimes we take actions to be somebody else. I’m not made to be somebody else. I’m, I’m built to be me. You’re not built to be somebody else, you’re built to be you and stop taking actions to become somebody else. Take actions to be you the best version of you.

That’s not somebody different. That’s you, who has changed, who has grown, who has improved. And you’ll find if you do that, if you move forward for you not to be somebody else, or to look better, or because of somebody else’s opinion, right? If you do it for you, you will find how radically peaceful and better life gets right, you start removing all this excess fear worry. And there’s this whole thing called codependency. If you don’t know What it is, I encourage you to go look it up. And not existentialism, What is it called? It’s anyways, the point is where you try and control your surroundings, right externalizing go look up externalizing to where you try and control your, your external circumstances, right versus focusing on you and changing you.

And if you do that you will watch. If you understand both those things, go look them up. And then you decide to make actions for yourself not for others and not to look good for others, you’ll want your whole life change. And it doesn’t matter What the actions are, it could simply be starting to eat healthy, drinking more water, getting up 30 minutes to an hour earlier, making your bed. When you start keeping your promises to be the person that you said you were going to be. That’s when life really begins to change and everything becomes exponentially better in your life.

Andrew and I talk about this all the time, we’re going to do this because this is the men that we decided to be we’re going to do this because this is the company we said we would be. So it doesn’t matter if the other party thinks that we’re amazing or not. We don’t care. We’re doing it because we said we would do it. And we said that we would be men of our word we said that we had keep promises, we said that we would serve, we said that we would do these things. And that’s why we do What we do for me, I want to be a great husband, not not for my wife not to keep her happy and all the stuff but for me to honor What I said that I want to be. And then as a result, my wife does benefit. And it’s really important. I want to serve not just because other people like when I serve them. But because I said that I would serve and it’s really important to understand that this is how it works.

And for you to overcome What other people think about you when you overcome the whole comparison. It’s doing things for you and not in a selfish way. If you are truly doing it for yourself to better. It’s selfless. It’s actually really selfless. It’s not selfish. It’s so you can give your life away we are made to give our lives away. We’re made to serve other people we’re made to help and better other people. And when you do it to better yourself. For the whole intents and purposes of serving something bigger than yourself and serving other people. You’re going to want your whole life change.

Everything will change the company if you’re if you’re starting your own company or have a company you watch that radically change. You’ll watch your job position change, you’ll watch all these things open up to you. And the bigger thing is is stop listening to everybody talking about who they are going to be stop comparing yourself stop looking at What you don’t have and focus on What you do have focus on who you are. What are your strengths and weaknesses Andrew and I are radically two different people were made two different ways radically on two different ends of the spectrum. And we talked About that I’m not like him and he’s not like me and it’s actually amazing. So you be you and you choose to better yourself for you not to keep others happier look better for others.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later peace

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