Ep. 354 – Our Journey + Heart


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business, I hope life’s treat you well, I really do. Honestly, it’s treating me better than I deserve. And life has really been good, it really has.

So today, I guess we’re gonna talk more really on a personal note, I really want to talk about why Andrew and I are doing What we’re doing our greater good and the heart behind, really why we’re building and creating one we love it personally, I really love building and creating, and I played Legos a lot growing up, and then doing business honestly has been a lot like that. And it’s like, oh, this is cool. Whatever I imagined we can build whatever Andrew imagines we can build we can do. And this is really cool.

The other side of this, though, is Andrew and I really want to create a place in we want to create and build a place where if you have had interaction with us, your life is better off because of it. And whether it’s just everyday on the street, right? Or whether it’s you decide to be a part of the team, and you come on board, you’re part of a team, your life is better, it’s it’s increased and improved. Because we want to facilitate create a door for people’s lives to be better. It’s the same way with customers clients, like if clients choose to partner with us, we want them to walk away with just a betterment of their life of their company of their business. And we really want to change how business is done.

Like a lot of entrepreneurs, a lot of business people are really money focused. And there’s a lot of selfishness behind that. And at the same time, money does take a lot of central stage in business because of business has to have money in order to exist and operate, you cannot operate without finances. And you cannot operate without money. And that’s really true. And Andrew and I, we know that that’s true. But we don’t want to just stop at cool, we’re going to take care of us, we’ll take care of our loved ones, we’ll take care of our kids, we actually want to build something that is beyond that. We want to build something that’s greater than that, that whoever comes on board and trust us with their livelihood, trust us to be a part of their future and their life journey. We want them to walk away better than if they never joined us. Right? We want to be in addition to people’s lives, we want to add value. We want to serve and open doors to opportunities and help create opportunities and help people create opportunities in their life to move forward wherever they want to whether people stay long term, or whether they stay short term.

And I think that this is really deep down our greater good with why we’re doing it. We really love people and want to serve people. And it’s interesting, because when we first started, we we tried to do a lot of this up front. And we had no idea What we were doing. And it broke hardcore. And like I’ve got a Harvard degree in stupidity trying to figure out how do we actually do this? Okay, cool, great ideas. Cute. How do you do that. And it’s so interesting to watch the journey go from cool, this is What we want to do, we want to create some place where people’s lives are better, they have real meaningful work, right? Because now if you come in to be a part of the team, your work is meaningful It doesn’t matter if it’s tedious or not your work actually matters. It’s real work and long term work towards the team towards the outside world and changing the world for the better.

And we really want to be a place where the world was better because we decided to do business and exist than if we didn’t, and then all that being tied to the work of the team. And then the people who are on our team, who trust us, like I said with their future and they want to be a part of this, we want to be something bigger than ourselves, we want to give that opportunity to others. Because when I worked jobs, that’s What I was looking for personally, it was looking for something that was just outside of paying bills. It was looking for something that was just outside of making money and going home from nine to five and doing all these things I wanted more. And I was looking for more and looking for a deeper purpose and meaning in my life. And that’s really What Andrew and I are on personally in the journey to create. That’s the team that the people we’ve partnered with us who want to be a part of the journey, and we want to be a part of theirs. That’s What we’re striving to create personally.

And I know that this episode is a little more personal than normal. But I really thought it was important just to share. Because when you’re starting to do something, if you think about starting to do something like business, or whether you’re starting to look for a company, I think these things matter, like What is the heart of the company, What is the culture, right? Is it really just about money and like I said, Money is important, right? Money is important in order to make a living to care for your loved ones, everything else. But at the same time. There’s something more out there than not. And I think it’s personally really important to find that and really important to understand What that is for you. And then What it is for the company or the people that you’re partnering with for teamwork or for whatever you’re going to build and I think honestly that’s something that’s lost a lot in business and in life in general.

Well anyways guys, that’s it, so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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