Ep. 375 – No Buy In = Sell Out


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

Well, everybody, today, I really want to talk about buy in again. And I really want to talk about that adverse effect, if you don’t have Buy in to What you’re doing, you’ll actually have a sell out problem. Because you don’t actually believe in the project, you don’t believe in the work, you don’t believe in the vision, you don’t believe in whatever it is, and you haven’t gone through that process of gaining buy in, then at that point, you’re just now compliant. And compliance automatically produces sell out so and sell out a term from my day. And it’s where you pretty much sell your soul to corporate or you sell your soul for money, right, and then your whole belief systems, everything you stand for, just goes out the door. And this is an automatic thing that happens when you don’t have buy in, in a project.

So Andrew and I have both experienced this in different ways, when we have talked in have had honest conversations about hey, this is What we think needs to happen with the company with the team with where we’re going, these are the things that we believe need to happen. And then as a result, when either one of us just compliant, we don’t have buy in, and we don’t actually take the time to work through that process. It’s caused us to be a sellout. Because I cool, I’ll do this, I’ll say yes to this. I know this is an idea. But just because I know it’s a good idea doesn’t mean I believe in it. And the whole purpose of this is to actually believe in What you’re doing.

So if you’re in a sort of sales job, and you don’t believe in the product, that’s where sell out, starts to come into play in that heart position. And you can feel people who have sold that part of them. And that piece of them like, Hey, I’ve got to pay bills, but I don’t really believe in the company, this is the best option for it is like cool. Yeah, you got to pay bills. But that’s not a really good place to be long term. Or, Hey, that’s not really a product you should be selling, you really need to have deep belief and conviction about What you’re doing. We as people operate off conviction, we operate off belief sets, right. And we operate off of actually buying into whatever we’re doing, buy in into the vision, the journey in the greater good. And I think it’s so important to have buy in, in the work to have buy in partnership, if you’re going to be partners with somebody, you’ve got to have buy in from them. And you have to have buy in in the partnership to that this is actually somebody worth partnering with, to forward move the work the dream, the goal, and you have to have that buy in in order for that to really happen.

And I think this is where a lot of relationships break down. This is where a lot of teamwork breaks down, when people do not have buy in, and as a result, you just have a bunch of compliance. And then the compliance is, hey, we just sold out we don’t really believe in this. And I think it’s very important to make sure that all work for a team, if you’re leading a team or building a team, all work is really tied to a goal in a greater good. And thus, it’s just not fake work. Thus, it’s just not Oh, it’s my routine tasks that I have to perform every day, I get up, I get out of bed, I drink my coffee, and then I go to work. And then yep, I have all these tickets to answer or I have all this code to write, or, Oh, I got to open up the shop and sweep and clean the floors. Oh, I’ve got to log in and check the progress of this and follow up client emails all that avoided because it’s like, Yes, I may not like the work I’m doing, I may be bored with the work I’m doing. But I at least know deep down inside the work I’m doing matters, What I’m building matters, the vision, the dream matters. And that is all a product of buy in.

And I’m talking about this because I cannot overemphasize the importance of this. I’ve had a lot of team members and people in my life who’ve had compliance. And then every time there’s been compliance, our relationship has broken every time that they have not had buy in, they’ve sold out. And then the relationships broken, or it’s broken from one side or the other. And I think it’s so important to understand, really, and I know I’m using the word important a lot. But I think it’s so important understand the importance, the value behind buy in.

And What happens when you don’t like it’s really important to understand the consequences because you’ve got to know two things in life What you want and What you don’t want. And then you have to build predicated on that. And in order to understand What you want and don’t want, you’ve got to have buy in. You have to have buy in and understand the consequences of not having buy in and understand What you don’t want to happen within your relationship in other people’s relationships and within a team culture and team setting.

You’re not going to you need to understand What you don’t want and need to understand the consequences in What compliance does, it breaks long term and oftentimes will break short term but compliance can be very hidden and not come out for a long time and then you catch it when it’s actually too late. So anyways guys, buy in or sell out one or the other. That’s really the moral of today’s story. I’ll catch you later peace

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