Ep. 395 – Spreading Vision Into the Day to Day


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up, everybody, welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. So I’m going to talk about leadership today.

I want to talk about one of the primary roles as a leader. And that is to disseminate vision, that is to really spread the vision of whatever you’re building. And I’ve said this before, but I’ll just reiterate it vision comes in three different sizes, large, medium, and small, right. So you have a huge picture vision, right, the whole entire mountain, then you have a medium sized piece of the vision just to one side, or one route up to the top of the mountain. And then you have the small vision, which is cool, I’m on the trail, I’m actually climbing up the sucker. And I can see all the dirt and the pebbles on the pathway up there.

And so I think it’s important to say this, though, it doesn’t matter where you are in leadership, your role in job as a leader, whether it’s a team leader, whether it’s leading a household, whether you’re the leader in a friend group, whether you’re the leader, in a company, in a business, whether you’re a founder, your whole role is to disseminate vision to everybody around you to have a unified goal, right? If you’re all trying to work towards something, accomplish something, your whole goal as a leader is to disseminate vision, other people need buy into the vision, if they don’t have buy into the vision, you’re never moving towards the goal, you’re never moving towards to What you set out to accomplish in the first place. I think it’s really important to see that.

The reason why I brought up the three sizes of vision. And the reason why I brought up the different areas where that applies to is that sometimes determined on where you’re at in the journey is determined by the stage of the journey. But it’s also determined by where you’re positioned in leadership, right? If you’re a team leader, of a small team of marketers, of developers, or if you’re a, you know, job site manager for a construction company, the piece of the vision you have is going to be smaller, right? It is going to be a smaller, more technical piece. But it’s very important to see that that’s the piece of the vision that you’re supposed to disseminate.

As a project manager, you’re disseminating vision, and small vision across the board for customers and clients that have hired that company, for you to do that work. So you may just be building a piece of software, you may be, you know, managing a construction project, whatever it is that project manager role, though, you’re managing a medium and small sized piece of the vision for the company, that’s your client. And I think it’s important to see because if you don’t know where you’re at, it’s very easy to get lost. In the woods, it’s very easy to get lost in the trees, going back to the mountain analogy that I gave, it’s very easy to get lost and be like, Oh, here we are, again, just walking. And you have to be reminded of the goal, you have to be reminded of the reason why we’re doing this. And the whole team needs that as well. So if you don’t have a good grasp on the vision, a good gauge whether your team has a good grasp on the vision or not is based on you.

So again, if you don’t have a good grasp, they’re not going to have a good grasp. If you have a really good grasp on the vision. Now they they might have a good grasp, how often do you talk about it? How often do you talk about the goals? How often do you redefine the goals, and the needs and issues of the job predicated on the vision and predicated on their task? Hey, this is the task you’re doing. Don’t forget, Here’s why we’re doing this. Don’t forget, Here’s why we are working the way we are right now. Don’t forget, this is why this is we architected this way. Oh, yeah. And guess What, when you are talking about vision, and your discussion, vision with team members, or people along the journey, it kind of settles fights and arguments along the way. You don’t have a ton of fights, because everybody’s like, Oh, yeah, that’s right. We’re climbing up this mountain together. Oh, yeah, that’s right. Everybody’s wearing a backpack. Everybody else is helping carry the food in the water up to What we need to get to.

And when there’s that unified goal and that unified vision, the daily work becomes it becomes less of a chore or a problem to do. And there’s more motivation behind it. Here’s something else, especially if you’re in charge of hiring, and you’re in charge of choosing the team and building the team. You want people who are vision motivated, a lot of people talk about this is like, Oh, they’re goal motivated. Their goal motivated they they are driven by goals, which is true, right, their goal motivated, but at heart, they’re motivated by the vision, What am I actually building? And if What I’m building, if it doesn’t matter, I don’t want to do it. Or if it really does matter. Cool, I’ll do it.

And I think it’s important, like we talked about this a lot like we help put food on the table for families that hire us, right? We help put food on the table for people who have bills to pay and have kids and are raising them and we talked about that with the team. And it makes a world of difference stating things like that because there’s something bigger than them and bigger than the technical tasks that they’re doing and working on.

Anyways guys, I’m over, like normal, so I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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