Ep. 476 – Mentorship: Sowing Into Others


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Episode Transcript

What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I hope life is treating you good. I hope you’re doing good. I’m doing better than I deserve honestly.

So I actually wanted to talk about teamwork, and I wanted to talk about leadership and even mentorship, and from this side. So I was talking to one of the team members today, and we were just going through how life works, and we were going through how leadership works, because at this moment, he’s being raised up into a leadership position. He’s already got responsibility like that on him currently, and he’s working through that, but there’s a whole process for him in order to move forward into a deeper way.

And what I mean by that is this, when you are in leadership, and the more you move up into leadership, the more the burden on you increases of responsibility, the more the burden increases to make healthy decisions, good decisions, and then the more important it is to share that burden and that load with the team in a healthy way. And it doesn’t mean that you don’t work. See a lot of times when people lead, they’re like, Oh, I’m not working. I’m the boss. And it’s actually the opposite. Your work is very important because now your work is to serve the people underneath you, to build for the people underneath you, to create for the people underneath you.

And if that’s not your heart, if your heart isn’t to build or create for people underneath you to better their lives, you shouldn’t be in a leadership position. Now I’m not talking about working in a culture that is, I would say, high stress or highly challenging, right? There’s cultures like that towards like, Man, I want to do something hard. I purposely want to go into this, and I know it’s going to be hard, and I want to be a part of team that is going to accomplish great things, and they’re hard to accomplish. There’s nothing wrong with that, and there’s a style of leadership for that too.

But at the heart, it’s still, how do we make things better for everybody? It is what we are building actually worthwhile in society, and does it add to society, and does it better people’s lives? And when you are in that leadership position, wherever you’re at, it is very important to have that heart. And so we talked about that. And the thing that we talked about a lot was having that and growing that, and really being in a place to serve.

Now, the reason why I’m bringing all of this up, the main reason why I’m bringing all of this up, is simply this, you, if you’re in a leadership position, should be mentoring someone. And if you’re like, Well, I’m not a mentor, I’m not a teacher, you need to really second guess why you’re there, right? And again, this company culture is company indicative not everybody is there, but to really think about cool if I’m not distributing the talents and the gifts that I have in my life, if I’m not investing in somebody else for their life to be better, I’m not fulfilling the role of a leader.

Because that’s part of what a leader does is to make people better than themselves. If you, if you really want to serve people, it’s about making people better than yourselves. It’s about equipping people to do better things than you and bigger things than you. And that’s how life works. If the point of a leader is to take if a point of leader is to not share, if a point of a leader is to make sure everybody stays in the under their thumb and does what they say. They go they’re going to do that’s not leadership, that’s dictatorship.

And to really think about that like you are at a project, and, excuse me, you are at a company, working on projects and doing things and work for the company. Why? For the betterment of your life? Not because you always love the company, and it’s important to see that everybody, if you are in that position to lead, everybody’s doing the same thing. So why not help them better their life? And here’s the thing, do you trust people that actually add value to your life, or constantly taking value from your life? The people we tend to trust most are adding value, and if you’re adding value to somebody’s life, What reasons do they have to leave you.

And this isn’t some psychology manipulation trick or anything like that. What I’m talking about is just straight up logic, like, if you actually logically think through this, the people I don’t want my life are going to steal that steal from me, hurt me, do these things, the people that I do want my life actually add value, help me, make things better in my life. Oh, if I become that person, people are going to want to stick around me. And then if you do have somebody who’s not for that who’s not for that style of leadership, who’s not for that culture, they’ll find their way out because they’re looking not to be that person. They’re looking not to be the person, the leader that the company actually needs them to be, to help them.

And so anyways, it’s super important to think about. I think it’s super important to invest in people and mentor them, right? And not everybody wants to be mentored, so you’re not going to go up and mentor somebody that has never asked you to or who doesn’t want it, but it’s there, and it’s important, and it’s important to take what you have in life and spread it. That’s part of raising up the next generation of children too, right? they’re gonna become adults. They’re gonna shape the world. I don’t know that sounds like a pretty important investment to me, one that’s way worth more than the SP 500.

Anyways, guys, I’m over. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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