Ep. 282 – Problems Are Multifaceted

Problem-solving fails in business when we look at a problem from one direction instead of multiple directions.
Ep. 281 – The Best Part of Me Is Also The Worst Part Of Me

It’s important to know who you are, and how you affect other people to lead effectively.
Ep. 280 – Cause = Solutions | Blame = Fires

The dangers of blame shifting vs. finding solutions in business partnerships.
Ep. 279 – If You Don’ t Take Step 1 You Can’t Take Step 2

Taking the first step is crucial, attempting to take step two without completing step one will lead to failure.
Ep. 278 – Past, Present and Future

To be great at navigating life, you must be able to balance past, present, and future perspectives.
Ep. 277 – Measuring You

Measuring oneself objectively to know where we are in our journey of life and business.
Ep. 276 – Not Looking = Not Existing

It’s important to have sight in life and business to be able to identify problems and move forward.
Ep. 275 – Different People = Different Path

Different people have different approaches to achieving the same goal.
Ep. 274 – The Ignorance Gap

The importance of recognizing that every situation is unique, even if it appears similar to past experiences.
Ep. 273 – Will You Believe In You

Believing and investing in yourself is key to success.
Ep. 272 – It’s The Little Things

Big dreams are made of small daily actions.
Ep. 271 – If I’m The Solution Then They Are The Problem

Viewing oneself as a solution and a lack of clear processes can lead to a toxic work culture.