Ep. 135 – Talent Without Work

The importance of developing your talents to progress in life.
Ep. 134 – Showing up

Michael emphasizes the importance of self-agency and discipline to achieve your goals.
Ep. 133 – The Decision

The importance of being fully committed in life and business.
Ep. 132 – Learning To Love It

Learning to love the difficult aspects of life can help you achieve your goals and dreams.
Ep. 131 – Teams Are…

Michael defines and deep dives into the concept and characteristics of a healthy team.
Ep. 130 – You Need Buy In

The importance of cultivating healthy teamwork practices for a successful business.
Ep. 129 – Strategy – Part 5 – Execution

Michael discusses the importance of executing an objective. This is the final episode of the five part series about strategy development in business.
Ep. 128 – Strategy – Part 4 – Communication

Michael discusses the importance of communication and unity within your team to achieve a shared objective. This is part four of a five part series on strategy development in business.
Ep. 127 – Strategy – Part 3 – Planning

Michael discusses the importance of drafting out all the details of your objective and what to prioritize first. This is part three of a five part series on strategy development in business.
Ep. 126 – Strategy – Part 2 – Intelligence

Michael discusses the importance of defining all the pieces that are involved in your objective. This is part two of a five part series on strategy development in business.
Ep. 125 – Strategy – Part 1 – Objectives

Michael discusses the importance of setting objectives as the starting point of any strategy. This is part one of a five part series about strategy development in business.
Ep. 124 – Looking at the Books with Joseph Powell

Michael and Joseph discuss how bookkeeping is essential to understanding your business’s financial health and making informed decisions. Connect with Joseph: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephallenpowell/ Joseph’s Accounting Firm: https://www.bubblerockadvisors.com/