A podcast predicated on the journey of business and life.
I heard a saying once that if a tree is not growing, it’s dead.
Our life is simply based on the the Journey of self-improvement.

Episode Transcript
Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up everybody? Welcome to the AM, how you guys doing? Hope you’re doing well, hope you’re doing well.
Welcome to 5 Minute Rants something kick the day off with, you know, Just some food for thought and something to ponder about, hopefully apply to your life and get something out of this.
So today’s episode, episode one, The Journey of Self Improvement. Cool, cool, cool.
So I was talking with a good friend of mine the other day. And one of the things that came up is that if a tree is not growing, it’s dead. Any tree that you find dead has stopped growing. And that’s our lives.
All right, as people as humans, the moment we stop moving forward towards a purpose towards a greater good towards a vision, something that drives us, we suddenly find ourselves dead. Dead in the water. And I’m not talking about from a hopeless place, but I’m talking about from momentum from movement.
See, our life is a journey, it’s a walk, for anybody that’s been hiking, you’ll understand this, it’s really going through the experience to get from point A to point B. All right, and that’s how it is as people. And that’s how it is in business, in life. That’s how it is as parents, that’s how it is as a husband or a wife. That’s how it is for us. And so the point of our lives, I believe, is to continue to improve in this isn’t the “The Point” and I’m air quoting right now. But I think one of the major factors in our lives is growth and improvement, to continue to build.
So if you look at even how we’re built genetically, all right, as children to adults, what happens continuously throughout our lives, growth, some of the best times as a child are really about growth, they occur during growth, they occur from an experience that happened and you grew from it. Right? And I think that should continue as adults.
Now what’s hard is in society today, we get in that routine of oh, I just wake up, I go to work, I grab a cup of coffee, I work from nine to five, I’m done, I drive home, or I work the night shift, or whatever job you have, and then you Just get in the routine, right? And it’s very easy.
Now I found this, that I get the routine of just doing what I have to do to get done with what I have to do. And then as a result, I don’t find any time for myself, I don’t find any time to move forward. To build the life I want to. So the point of this podcast, the point of this show is to really help you whoever you are, a stay at home mom, stay at home dad, a business owner, an employee, like somebody just working for somebody else, wherever you’re at, it doesn’t matter. The point is to help you build the life that you want. To help you get out there and move forward to where you’re not stuck.
So a lot of our journey in life is really trying to find how do we move forward. And so that’s what this podcast is about. But I want to start with, “the majority of our life’s journey is to grow, improve, and change.” And stagnation, and not moving forward is often what I have found personally, to be one of the most problematic things in my life. It’s what causes pain. It’s what causes normally frustration or problems. And it’s what causes friction in my life. And so, I found this to be true across the board.
I’ve got another buddy, he runs a restaurant. And that is what he’s constantly fighting against. We actually Just had a conversation about how he brought the restaurant to a certain point. It was a failing store, he got hired, he brought it into success. And now it’s in one of the top three stores, restaurants of that chain, and different things. And he got brought in to fix it. And after he made a certain milestone, he started sitting down. He stopped improving, he stopped improving the store. And as a result, there is friction and pain in his life. And he realized that he went from improving to decaying.
And I don’t think there’s a middle ground. I could be wrong. But I don’t think there’s a middle ground because it’s that second law of thermodynamics, which seems to apply to everything we do. We go from improvement and growth to decay.
Now the whole point of this is to give you guys Just some food for thought. Right? Five minute episode. So believe it or not, we’re done guys.
So the journey of self improvement. One of our life’s goals is to continue to change, improve and grow. So I hope you guys have a great day. And I’ll meet you on the flip side Peace!
I enjoyed this, Michael. So many folks go / have gone through periods of frustration and stagnation. It’s sad to me how many people stay there: ‘Oh I’ve got little kids..’, ‘I can’t leave my job now, what would I do…’ etc. Everyone has ‘dormant’ periods in their lives…but even those can be enlivened with tiny things. Change IS unsettling .The moving forward you describe is differerent for everbody. Small steps, big steps. It might be a stay at home mum taking up a regular watercolour class because she’s always dreamed of being an artist. Or as huge as selling up the farm, packing the whole family and moving to a new country. It can be simple or complicated. But like the tree analogy, if a person is not moving forward, they dwindle in to dullness,
stagnation, oblivion. How horrible.
Ann! 🙂 It is so good to hear from you. Let’s catch up over the phone some time.