Ep. 232 – If You Have The Ability To Do It, You Also Have The Ability To Not Do It
The importance of having a growth mindset and believing in one’s ability to change and make better decisions.
Ep. 231 – Finding Truck B
The importance of finding and fixing the constraints that hold you back from growing in your business.
Ep. 230 – The Maturing Process
Maturity has two sides, finding your purpose in life and building your skills.
Ep. 229 – Art Is Beautiful Because Of The Rules
The importance of balancing between structure and chaos to move forward as a business.
Ep. 228 – Defining Greater Good
Knowing what your greater good in life and business is will help you find like minded people that value what you do.
Ep. 227 – The Bigger It Is The Harder It Is To See
A lot of things tend to fail when we don’t have a clear vision of what we’re building.
Ep. 226 – Tactics + Production
Having a clear vision of the outcome that you want and working your way backwards is the best tactic for success.
Ep. 225 – No Outs
Setting small goals and achieving them builds confidence and sets the stage for future success in your life.
Ep. 224 – What You Think Matters
You have to deeply believe in yourself and what you think to be successful in life.
Ep. 223 – Ship Fast, Fail Faster
The better we are at failure, the better we will be at growing and moving forward in life.
Ep. 222 – Building
Michael discusses what the term ‘building’ means to him and its importance in his life and business.
Ep. 221 – Time Is Money, But How Much Money
Focus only on the work that needs to be done and then ask yourself how much you are losing by not doing it.