Ep. 220 – Build Out The Starting Line
The importance of defining your current position in business to be able to build out the next steps and move forward.
Ep. 219 – Vision Three Perspectives
Vision is broken down into large, medium, and small perspectives. You need to know what vision perspective you’re operating in to be efficient in anything.
Ep. 218 – Right Answer + Wrong Time = Wrong Answer
Timing is key. Mistiming steps and actions in your business will eventually induce failure.
Ep. 217 – The Good, The Bad, and The Difficult
Letting go of preconceived definitions will help you communicate better with everyone around you.
Ep. 216 – No One Wants A Website
People don’t want a product, they want value. It is on you to discover what people really value to better serve them.
Ep. 215 – No Risk, No Reward
The importance of taking risks in life to achieve success and growth.
Ep. 214 – Skipping Step One To Build The Biggest and Best
Avoid skipping step one and instead focus on doing the immediate step in front of you. Slow progress can lead to smooth and fast results in the long run.
Ep. 213 – The Man Behind The Closed Doors
The true test of character often occurs behind closed doors when nobody is looking.
Ep. 212 – Unspoken Expectations
If we don’t clearly state and write down our expectations as partners, team members, and leaders. We are setting ourselves up for failure in all aspects of our relationships.
Ep. 211 – Don’t Chase Money
Making money your sole purpose and goal in life will lead to customer neglect and affect long-term success.
Ep. 210 – It Takes Two People To Do Business
The importance of building for both you and your customer in business. There’s no winning unless all parties involved win.
Ep. 209 – Right Does Not Exist
People are often stuck in life and business due to their search for a “right” answer. The right answer doesn’t exist, you get to decide what you want it to be.