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Ep. 263 – Choice First, Process Second

Don’t get caught in the trap of wanting to understand every part of the process before making a decision.
Ep. 253 – Investing In Others

The best investment that you can make as an individual is into somebody else.
Ep. 249 – How Would I Do Business

The importance of doing something the way you want to versus following what others do.
Ep. 247 – Breaking Down “I Did My Best”

Life is not defined by single moments, rather it’s defined by the accumulation of singular moments over time.
Ep. 237 – Submit To The Way

A lack of willingness to submit to the way things are actually done will stop you from being successful.
Ep. 233 – Risk vs. Opportunity

Observing both opportunities and risks will help you make better decisions in life and business.
Ep. 232 – If You Have The Ability To Do It, You Also Have The Ability To Not Do It

The importance of having a growth mindset and believing in one’s ability to change and make better decisions.
Ep. 227 – The Bigger It Is The Harder It Is To See

A lot of things tend to fail when we don’t have a clear vision of what we’re building.
Ep. 225 – No Outs

Setting small goals and achieving them builds confidence and sets the stage for future success in your life.
Ep. 224 – What You Think Matters

You have to deeply believe in yourself and what you think to be successful in life.
Ep. 221 – Time Is Money, But How Much Money

Focus only on the work that needs to be done and then ask yourself how much you are losing by not doing it.
Ep. 215 – No Risk, No Reward

The importance of taking risks in life to achieve success and growth.