Ep. 199 – Guess Work Costs The Most

Getting educated early on about the things that matter will save you a lot of time and money down the road.
Ep. 198 – Short Cuts

Having the humility to learn from others and grow quickly is key to not wasting time. Learning by yourself without learning from others is expensive. 
Ep. 197 – More Important Than Courage

Many people have courage to start something new or difficult, but not many people have the patience to stack small wins every day and grow into the person they know they’re meant to be. 
Ep. 196 – Will Do, Never Do

Having a list of principles is key to making decisions that aren’t just black and white. Principles are your list of will do’s and never do’s.
Ep. 195 – Questions Are Better Than Answers

You can learn and grow more by asking better questions rather than just knowing the right answers. If you are curious, and you’re constantly asking questions, the more you’re going to improve, and the more that you’re going to change.
Ep. 194 – Buying Yourself Work

In life, it’s important to measure the cost required to move forward in any direction. Our decisions to agree to fulfill a course of action require an exchange of time and work from us.  We actually pay money to buy work for ourselves. 
Ep. 193 – Three Ways To Think And Act

The three approaches to work are entrepreneurial, managerial and technical. It’s important in life and business to know which mindset and actions you’re currently taking and which ones you currently need.
Ep. 192 – Writing Down

When we write things down, we free those around us to thrive in their roles. The message does not exist until it is written down.
Ep. 191 – Knowing It vs Doing It

You need both knowledge and execution in moderation to get anything done. We oftentimes get stuck because we’re focusing on only one and disregarding the other. 
Ep. 190 – Future Me

New year’s resolutions are fake because change is not based on a deep internal decision. We each get to be the people we want to be, and we’re all in charge of our personal choice to get there. 
Ep. 189 – Nothing Kills A Bad Product Faster Than Great Marketing

When there is selfish promotion of a bad product, it hurts the brand by damaging relationships with customers. Trust is broken through marketing a sub par product.
Ep. 188 – Distribution vs Product

Distrubution is a key element in business that makes all the difference. Just being  a great product company does not mean that you can whether storms like COVID or grow the way you should.